"Positively Passionate About People" describes me. I have always been involved in people oriented occupations.
I am passionate about helping others earn the money they need to acquire the things they want to live the way they choose. I am a NETWORKER, PODCASTER, LEADER, and COACH. I am a proud DAUGHTER, WIFE, MOTHER, and GRANDMOTHER.
OTHERS comment about my COMMITMENT,CONSISTENCY, and SUPPORT to my team. I am THERE for THEM.
Yes... I have some EDUCATION which has been a great asset.
I earned a BA in Education ( Augustana College) and a MA (Central Michigan University) in counseling. I have been able to teach, coach, and help foster the amazing potential of others.
I have VOLUNTEERED for a causes....women issues, BOY & GIRL SCOUTS, food drives, and SCHOLARSHIP committees for continuing EDUCATION of young women and numerous other fund raising events.
ADVENTURE has been a part of my life. I have been a passenger in the AIR FORCE'S C 5, C 130, and KC135. Flying is a whole new experience across the Atlantic Ocean in a sling, webbed seat with ear plugs to help drown out the noise. It is also a unique experience climbing a rope ladder while 3 months pregnant into a plane as tall as a 4 story building.
ADVENTURE is also driving a 20 passenger van full of exuberant 3 and 4 year old children.
I am passionate about my three grandchildren and they are definitely the reward for surviving the "terrible two's", driver education, and teen age angst of my own children.
I've been employed for over 30 years in various types of people oriented professions. Day Care DIRECTOR for a La Petite Academy, Elementary TEACHER & school COUNSELOR, insurance claims ANALYST, Head Start social worker, bookkeeper, PODCASTER, all demonstrate a continued involvement with the interests and needs of people of all ages.
It is hardly any surprise to the people that know me to find out I love my HOME BASED BUSINESS. Together I PARTNER with those individuals that:
...WANT to PAY their BILLS
...NEED an extra $48, $240, $912, $3,126, $12,432
per MONTH and more
...THINK more MONEY is better than less MONEY
I have always believed that life is what I make it. I am always striving for EXCELLENCE in whatever I do. SUCCESS is my only option.
OPPORTUNITY Website: www.youngevity-act.net
As an educator I can truly say this business is so easy a fifth grader can do it.
What are you waiting for, call and let's talk. I want to know about YOU.