Service to others has so many rewards and meanings. Thru the years I have received really good customer service and some service that was less than desirable. When I was younger I really disliked having to take my car in for service. I dreaded being told that their were going to be extra costs and the descriptions always left me frustrated because I didn't understand what I was purchasing. Today I had a 60,000 mile check on my car with the accompanying service. After I left ( it took over 3 hours) I felt like I HAD received courteous and complete service. I left with an understanding of what was done to my vehicle. My questions were answered! What a difference! Have I become more "knowledgeable" about vehicles? Hardly!
Today I was at a dealer that values their customers and gives good service. Part of which includes a complete explanation of the services provided. I also felt more comfortable asking questions. That is one benefit to being "old". As a "Grama" I have learned that it is "OK" to ask questions. I am always learning new things and people are very helpful when approached with courtesy and respect. And yes "old" age did not make me " all-knowing". I still have a LOT to learn. That ole' golden rule sure comes in handy. I have found that, "People may not remember what I say, but they will remember how I make them feel." How does all this apply to my being an Entrepreneur. Well for me it is basic courtesy. Although I deal with products my emphasis is on sharing information about myself, goods and services.
Why would anyone want to buy from me? Well recently I had gone to a home to demonstrate 100% Pure Mineral Makeup. Afterwards the ladies were given lists of their colors and the prices. I asked if anyone wanted to place an order but it was very low key. I gave them their sheets to keep and continued to answer questions re: a variety of products and topics. With over 450 products I didn't have all the answers at my fingertips. However I promptly got back to them with the information when I returned home. After a few weeks a lady ordered a complete kit (over $130). When it arrived I went to her home ( at her request) to help her apply the makeup. It was important to me for her to enjoy all her products. In this way I was able to answer any new questions she had. I also feel it is important to answer the phone. It can be so frustrating to call and never reach your party or leave messages and not get a call back. I know because I have been there. I have Vonage (Voice Over IP). This has been very helpful for my business. All incoming calls and phone messages are kept and logged by Vonage. I can also save my phone messages. I refer to them for the complete information that is requested. Sunday night I took an order for over $160. This person called 3 others before me but I was the one to answer the phone. That was fantastic! Was I done after I placed the order. No! I followed through to be sure the order was shipped and the charges for tax and shipping were clear. I also spoke with another person from Canada and followed with emails containing her requested information. We have chatted a number of times. I have followed by sending her all requested information. It just felt so good to be of service and of help.
Aren't we all really the same? Looking for courtesy and respect. Looking for that connection to someone. I know that I would rather work with and purchase from a friend. I can't help but think that others feel the same way. I also am associated with a few groups that emphasize service to others. I have to admit I have found those the most rewarding. It just feels so right to be connected in a positive way. The Golden Rule- Do onto others as you would have them do onto you. It is still timeless and is my best business practice. My best wishes for optimum health and prosperity to you all,